Operational Info


Cut-off Time for Export from Bangladesh

Commodity Types Chittagong Port ICD, Kamalapur, Dhaka ICT, Pangaon, Dhaka Mongla Port
Textile or Garments Dry Cargo Till One Day (Date) before the Estimated Day (Date) of the Vessel Berthing No Cut-Off (Subject to the arrival of the container at Chittagong Port before the closure of the vessel’s operations) No Cut-Off (Subject to the arrival of the container at Chittagong Port before the closure of the vessel’s operations) No Cut-Off (Subject to the completion of the stuffing activity before the closure of the vessel’s operations)
Non-Textile or Non-Garments Dry Cargo Till the Day (Date) of the Vessel Berthing No Cut-Off (Subject to the arrival of the container at Chittagong Port before the closure of the vessel’s operations) No Cut-Off (Subject to the arrival of the container at Chittagong Port before the closure of the vessel’s operations) No Cut-Off (Subject to the completion of the stuffing activity before the closure of the vessel’s operations)
Reefer Cargo Till One Day (Date) before the Estimated Day (Date) of the Vessel Departure No Service No Service No Cut-Off (Subject to the completion of the stuffing activity before the closure of the vessel’s operations)
  • Refrigerated Cargo, Out of Gauge (OOG) Cargo and 45' HC DRY containers are not acceptable from the ‘ICD, Kamalapur, Dhaka’ and the ‘ICT, Pangaon, Dhaka’.
  • Dangerous Goods (Hazardous cargo) can be exported through proper consultation with the carriers.
  • For Dangerous Goods (Hazardous cargo), Stuffing/Loading Permission has to be obtained by the respective shippers from the 'Bangladesh Navy Authority' since there are huge Naval Fleets and Installation inside the Port adjacent to Terminals (Berths).
  • For Stuffing/Loading of the Dangerous Goods (Hazardous cargo), there must have the declaration of the respective IMO Class and UN Number in the cargo manifest.
  • Import of Dangerous Goods (Hazardous Cargoes) in any Reefer Containers is strictly prohibited.

Free Time Facility for Export under the ‘Chittagong Port Authority’ (CPA)

The following table portrays the information about the Free Time for Export Container under the ‘Chittagong Port Authority’ (CPA).

Particulars Beginning of the Storage Time Ending of the Storage Time Free-Time Period (In Days)
FCL/LCL Export Container Gate-In to Port Date Lifting Date before Loading on Vessel 7
Transshipment Export Container Common Landing Date Berthing Date of the Export Vessel 28
  • Free-Time Provision is not applicable for Empty Container
  • Port Demurrage (Store Rent) for Export Laden Container should be settled by the carriers to the respective Port Authority directly as the consignee himself/herself is not involved with these charges.

Guidelines on Weight Acceptance of the ‘Export Laden Container’ according to Different Ports in Bangladesh

For General h6urh6ose Container (Dry and Reefer):
Container Size Maximum Permissible Container Weight (including Tare Weight) Chittagong Port ICD, Kamalapur, Dhaka ICT, Pangaon, Dhaka Mongla Port
20' DRY 24,000.00 Kg (24.00 Ton) Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable
40' DRY 30,400.00 Kg (30.48 Ton) Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable
40' HC DRY 30,400.00 Kg (30.48 Ton) Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable
45' HC DRY 30,400.00 Kg (30.48 Ton) Applicable No Service ** No Service ** Applicable
20' REEFER 24,000.00 Kg (24.00 Ton) Applicable No Service ** No Service ** Applicable
40' HC REEFER 30,400.00 Kg (30.48 Ton) Applicable No Service ** No Service ** Applicable

At a glance, the Weight limitations for Export Cargo from Bangladesh are as follow

  • The Maximum Permissible Gross Weight (including the cargo weight coupled with the container tare weight) for the 20' is 24,000 Kg (24.00 Ton), and
  • The Maximum Permissible Gross Weight (including the cargo weight coupled with the container tare weight) for the 40' & 45' is 30,400 Kg (30.48 Ton).
For 'Out of Gauge' (OOG) Cargo, the customers need to check the cargo acceptability with the respective carriers sharing the below delineated information:
  • Over-Length, Over-Width, and Over-Height of the Cargo in Centimeters
  • Description of the Cargo
  • Picture of the Cargo from different angles
  • Gross Weight details of the Cargo for checking Weight Acceptance
  • Verified Gross Mass (VGM) as per customer

After the acceptance of the 'Out of Gauge' (OOG) Cargo, the carriers have to share the below documents:

  • Lashing Survey Reports
  • Verified Gross Mass (VGM) Certificate
  • Refrigerated Cargo, Out of Gauge (OOG) Cargo, and 45' HC DRY containers are not acceptable from the ‘ICD, Kamalapur, Dhaka’ and the ‘ICT, Pangaon, Dhaka’.
  • LCL Refrigerated Cargo is accepted in Bangladesh.
  • Dangerous Goods (DG) can be exported from Bangladesh through 20' DRY, 40' DRY, and 40' HC DRY containers only.

Documentation and the Bill of Lading (BL) Clause for Export from Bangladesh

According to the regulations of the ‘Bangladesh Bank’, In the case of Export from Bangladesh, the ‘Bill of Lading’ (BL) has to be consigned to Local Bank. However, it is not applicable for factories fully owned by Foreign Companies and for Export without ‘Letter of Credit’ issuance (without bank negotiation).

For prepaid shipment, the shipper has to present the ‘Export Certificate’ when collecting the ‘Bill of Lading’ (BL) from the carriers.

The shipper must provide the ‘Encashment certificate’/’Cost and Freight Certificate’ for all sorts of ‘Personal effects Cargo’ to Export from Bangladesh without the ‘Letter of Credit’ or ‘Telegraphic Transfer Contract’ (TT).

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